Rwanda Kanzu


Kanzu Brewing

Follow along as we brew Rwanda Kanzu with Jonathan!

Flat Bottom

Dose & Yield: 15g:240g
Grind: Medium
Water Temp: 205

Brew Times & Technique:
0:00-0:45 45g Bloom
0:45-1:15 Pour to 140g
1:45-2:10 Pour to 240g
Total brew Time ~ 3:00



  1. Heat Water- Start by filling up your kettle with water. If you have an electric kettle, set the temperature to 205F. If not, bring the water to a boil then let cool for a moment before brewing.

  2. Grind- Weigh out 15g coffee, and grind to a medium coarseness.

  3. Pre-wet Filter- Place your dripper on top of the vessel you plan to brew into, and place a filter into the dripper. Pour hot water over the filter, until you hit every spot. This avoids any papery taste in your coffee. It also pre-warms the dripper and your brewing vessel, to avoid coffee cooling upon contact. This is also a good chance to pour warm water in your mug as well. Make sure to dump this water out before brewing.

  4. Begin Brewing- Place your dripper and brewing vessel on top of your scale. Add your coffee to the filter. Make sure your scale is zeroed, and start your timer. Pour 45g of water, then wait until your timer says 45 seconds.

  5. Continue Brewing- At 45 seconds, continue pouring water until you reach 145g. Wait until the water draws down from the dripper which should be around 1:40, then pour until you reach 240g. Your total brew time, the point where all the water has drained through the coffee bed, should be between 2:50-3:00.

  6. Enjoy- Pour into your favorite pre-warmed mug and enjoy!



Round and complex, this recipe is great if you want a balanced cup! The sweet, juicy, and floral flavors mingle together throughout this brew. If you prefer a sharper acidity, I would recommend doing this same recipe and technique with a V60.


Dose & Yield: 12g:200g
Grind: Medium-Fine
Water Temp: 205

Brew Times & Technique:
Inverted, two filters for clarity
0:00-0:30 Pour to 200g, swirl (with the cap on)
0:30-5:00 Steep
5:00-6:00 Gently plunge
Total Brew Time ~ 6:00



  1. Heat Water- Start by filling up your kettle with water. If you have an electric kettle, set the temperature to 205F. If not, bring the water to a boil then let cool for a moment before brewing.

  2. Grind- Weigh out 12g of coffee, then grind to the finer end of medium.

  3. Brief- We will be brewing using the inverted method. There are three different parts to the AeroPress; the chamber which holds the coffee and water (marked with numbers), the plunger with the rubber piece, and the filter holder/cap. We will be using two filters which aids in the clarity of your cup, resulting in less oils and sediment in your finished brew.

  4. Setup- Place the AeroPress upside down, take the cap off, insert two filters and set aside. Be sure the plunger is under the #4 that’s marked on the chamber before brewing to avoid any potential spillage.

  5. Begin Brewing- Place AeroPress on top of your scale. Make sure your scale is zeroed, add 12g of coffee, and start your timer. Pour 200g of water, lock the filter cap back on the AeroPress, and gently swirl to saturate the coffee.

  6. Continue Brewing- When the timer hits 5:00, remove the AeroPress from your scale. Flip the AeroPress right side up and place over your carafe. Gently press the plunger until you hear a hissing sound; an indication that all the water has been pushed through the chamber. Your total brew time should be 6:00.

  7. Enjoy- Pour into your favorite pre-warmed mug and enjoy!



Juice bomb! This recipe brings clarity to the juicy sweetness Kanzu has to offer. Although the floral and sharp acidity flavors are muted in this brew, they won’t be missed.

👋 Jonathan

Jonathan Feliciano is our Event Coordinator and resident brewing expert. Jonathan leads most of our free roastery tours and Coffee Education classes, which you can learn more about by clicking the button below!